
Saturday, May 29, 2010

"You can raise your level of respect if you raise your pants."

Brooklyn residents awoke Thursday to the sight of two "Stop the Sag" billboards - and more were on the way, organizers said. The signs show two men in jeans low enough to display their underwear. The billboards were bankrolled by state Sen. Eric Adams, who also made an online video to send his message: "You can raise your level of respect if you raise your pants." .....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


God created this beautiful planet and we are destroying it because of greed and consumerism...

"The original peoples of the North American continent understand that we are all connected, and that harm to one part of the sacred circle of life harms the whole. Scientists, both the ecological and physical sorts, know the same reality, expressed in different terms. The Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) also charge human beings with care for the whole of creation, because it is God's good gift to humanity. Another way of saying this is that we are all connected and there is no escape; our common future depends on how we care for the rest of the natural world, not just the square feet of soil we may call "our own." We breathe the same air, our food comes from the same ground and seas, and the water we have to share cycles through the same airshed, watershed, and terra firma.".....A Lesson from the Gulf Oil Spill: We Are All Connected

Oil reaches Louisiana shores - The Big Picture -

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Park renamed in honour of Major Abbas Ali

McLevin Community Park is being renamed in honour of a man who gave back to the community in Scarborough and beyond.

Scarborough Community Council supported a recommendation to rename the park at 180 McLevin Ave. after Muhammad Abbas Ali, a British Indian Army veteran of the Second World War and an officer in Pakistan's army who dedicated the rest of his life to serving the poor and needy including through the Muslim Welfare Centre he founded on McLevin Avenue in 1993.

He passed away last April at age 88.........

InsideToronto Article: Park renamed in honour of Major Abbas Ali

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Markham’s farm belt plan enters final round of talks -

Phinjo Gombu

Urban Affairs Reporter A controversial Markham plan to become the first GTA municipality to freeze expansion on prime farmland to make way for a permanent food belt, made its way to one last debate at council Tuesday.

Markham’s farm belt plan enters final round of talks -

Secondary Schools Rank Ontario Canada - The Fraser Institute

Secondary Schools Rank Ontario Canada - The Fraser Institute

Be a better boss by being a better person - Metro News

The most important attribute that will most likely determine your success or failure as a manager is the ability to be a good person, one who is incredibly kind-hearted, controls their most destructive human emotions, tells the truth, does what’s right and always looks for the good along the road of life,” he asserts. “If you want employees to be decent and honourable, you must be decent and honourable. It is too often missing in a person and a manager....

Instead, respected leaders need only focus on six basic principles common to the most effective managers: Like what you do, be knowledgeable about your job/industry, possess solid organizational abilities, work hard, make work fun and, most importantly, be a good person.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Do we really need Mother's & Father's Days to show our appreciation?

Do we really need Mother's & Father's Days to show our appreciation?

Being a mother or father is a blessing. Do we really need a day set aside for recognition? I personally don't think so.

Mothers and fathers choose to be parents. All of the things that are done for children are because it is the responsibility of being a parent. When a person decides to have a child, it should be with the understanding that the care of that child is part of being a parent....

Across the faiths, a look at the Good Mother -


Their stories may differ. Their faiths may vary. But qualities of a good mother are found in all faiths.
Who are these women? Why are they revered? Why are they examples of motherhood?

As the country prepares for Mother’s Day Sunday, read about mothers from Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu traditions.

Across the faiths, a look at the Good Mother -

Friday, May 7, 2010

Coyle: Ruth’s Daughters launched to unite women of faith against domestic violence -

Coyle: Ruth’s Daughters launched to unite women of faith against domestic violence -

Do you think psychiatry can “cure” an evildoer?

Religion and mental illness

Do you think psychiatry can “cure” an evildoer?

ABDUL RASHID is a member of the Ottawa Muslim community, the Christian-Muslim Dialogue and the Capital Region Interfaith Council.

My limited understanding of psychiatry is that it is a medical condition primarily related to some form of mental difficulty or disorder. And an evil act is one that results in harm, be it to an individual or another living being or even the environment. I assume the answer to the posed question is to bring into discussion the religious dimension.

Religion and faith are very important in most people’s lives. However, faith is not a magic wand that would guarantee the absence of difficulties, losses and illness. These problems are part of life (Holy Qur’an, 2:155).

The Islamic view is that when a medical problem is diagnosed, it creates a dual responsibility. On the one hand, it is the responsibility of the society to search for an appropriate cure and treatment. On the other hand, it is a religious obligation on person suffering from the disease to seek proper treatment.

It is also important to point out that Islam does not partition individual personality into compartments. There is an inherent unity of the human person, where spiritual and mundane are interactive elements in life. Therefore, treatment is also supplemented by prayer to the Creator of all life for the removal of medical and other difficulties. We are also told that we should never give up in the benevolence and mercy of God Almighty.

Another important principle in Islamic jurisprudence is that a person suffering from mental disorder cannot be held accountable for an act that is a direct result of this has resulted from his or her affliction

Monday, May 3, 2010

Internet Pornography: Destroying Us From Within | MentalHealth4Muslims

Internet Pornography: Destroying Us From Within MentalHealth4Muslims

•There are approximately 4.2 million pornographic websites (roughly 12 %) on the internet today.[1]

•Every second 28,258 Internet users are viewing pornography.[2]

•47% percent of families have said that pornography is a problem in their home.[3]

•In 2003, inappropriate conduct on the Internet, mainly pornography, was a significant factor in 2 out of 3 divorces.[4]