
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Little boy about nine years old #Surah Yasin

Little boy about nine years old reading the english translation of Surah Yasin. When Surah Yasin was put on the table, he put his game down and started to read the copy of Surah Yasin. He must have been reading it for about one hour. Later I asked him if he was reading the english, he said yes. I asked him did you understand. He gave me the hand gesture (meaning so so....). He is my cousin's son.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tough on poverty, tough on crime

TheStar Tough on poverty, tough on crime
The most famous call for a Canadian GAI was issued 40 years ago by Senator David Croll. It was 1971 when his Senate committee on poverty issued its report.
“Poverty is the great social issue of our time,” Croll wrote. “The poor do not choose poverty. It is at once their affliction and our national shame. No nation can achieve true greatness if it lacks the courage and determination to undertake the surgery necessary to remove the cancer of poverty from its body politic........”

The Just Society
With revolutions happening all over the Middle East it is a fine time for Canadians, and especially Torontonians, to invest some time in thinking about the meaning of democracy. It isn’t just about voting, it is about maintaining a “just society” with room for all. As Hugh Segal eloquently stated in his opinion piece in on Sunday, crime is mostly a symptom of poverty. We have the tools to handle that.....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Do not sit long with a sad friend...#Rumi

Do not sit long with a sad friend. When you go to a garden, do you look at the weeds? Spend more time with the roses and jasmines. (taken into context)...-Maulana Jelaluddin Rumi

#OBAMA Cafe, #Toronto

Shaikh 'Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani , #Jilani

Shaikh 'Abd Al-Qadir Al-Jilani  (May Allah be pleased with him) kept the company of the poor and the weak; he did not seek company of the famous and powerful. He was a child with the children , and treated them with the utmost tenderness and compassion. With those much older than he, he become as if older than they, and treated them with respect.


The root source of ostentation (riya) is desire, wanting something from a source other than God. The cure for ostentation is actively and sincerely seeking out purification of the heart by removing four things:
  1. love of praise;
  2. fear of blame;
  3. desire for worldly benefit from people; and
  4. fear of harm from people.
This is accomplished by nurturing the certainty (yaqin) that only God can benefit or harm one. This is at the essence of the Islamic creed.
Helen Keller once said that there is no slave in this world that didn't have a king somewhere in his ancestry; and there is no king that didn't have a slave somewhere in his ancestry. This world has peaks and valleys. Nothing in creation is permanent. To spend time and energy seeking permanence in the fleeting things of the world - like praise - and then neglect what lasts forever with our Maker is the summit of human folly.
So recognizing that there is no harm or benefit except with God purifies the heart of vain pursuits and ostentation.
Compiled From: "Purification of The Heart" - Hamza Yusuf, pp. 57-59

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Please vacate this train immediately.", #TTC, #CustomerService #toronto

I was sitting on the train at Kennedy Station at approximately 8:45 am. After about 5 mins, the announcement was, "Please vacate this train immediately, you must vacate this train immediately". I waited another 5-7 mins for another train. I was sitting the next train, again the same announcement, ""Please vacate this train immediately, you must vacate this train immediately". Everyone left the train and got another train after about 5- 7 mins . The total delay time was approximately 15 mins...

To the TTC announcer:
Please be a little more polite and informative when announcing messages. It would help if you would say why the passengers have to leave the train. Please, do not treat the passengers like animals, pushing them from one train to the next.

#Faith and #happiness go together

Marmur: Faith and happiness go together
"Over the last year and a half, researchers of the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index ( have interviewed over half a million Americans to find out what makes them happy. Their conclusion is that the happiest are religious people, defined as those for whom “religion is an important part of daily life and church/synagogue/mosque attendance occurs at least every week or almost every week.”....

Read article....

10 commandments for a successful #relationship, #marriage

10 commandments for a successful relationship

Dr. Teesha Morgan offers the golden rules that every couple must know for a long-lasting (and happy)union

Since the dawn of time, people have been shelling out relationship and love advice to the masses. From the the Bible's epic 1st Corinthians 13 passage to Dr. Phil’s counselling hour and the millions of ‘relationship’ bloggers worldwide, we gravitate towards the knowledge of the past, and profess hopes that the present might give us but one tidbit more. But I wonder, how much has this advice really changed over the years? Can we simply re-parcel some wisdom from the ages with a modern spin?

Guided by the past, I offer up love secrets re-packaged to fit the time. Here are my Dr. Laura Berman-inspired (Dr. Berman is one of Oprah's stars), top ten relationship commandments:

1. Thou shalt drop the Hollywood love theme and acquire realistic love life expectations

Relationships may start out in a blissful state of awe-inspiring romance, however this is called a ‘state’ or a ‘stage’ for a reason. When two lives eventually meld as one, the result can be tedious, mundane and exhausting. It is therefore up to you to keep that spark alive because no fairy godmother is waiting to hand you glass slippers and a prince reared to perfection.

2. Thou shalt combine duties and chores to become a team

Science has shown us that women often take the brunt of household chores, even when they are trying to juggle a job as well. Ask your partner to help split chores more evenly; the lessened household workload has been shown to increase sexual desire in women and decrease stress on all accounts.

3. Thou shalt banish your acting prowess and quit pretending nothing is wrong

Pretending you’re fine when you’re not benefits no one. This simply chokes communication lines and creates resentment and anger. Become an adult, and express your feelings.

4. Thou shalt not strive for the title of gossip queen

Although tiaras are fun to wear, this crown should not be one you’re proud to prance around in. Gushing out all your relationship problems to your girlfriends may help you blow off some steam, but bashing your man behind closed doors does nothing to improve your relationship, or your image.

5. Thou shalt be yourself

Faking an interest in hockey or a love of video games will do nothing more than place you on a phony pedestal and lead you on a pathway of misguided love.

6. Thou shalt take control of one’s own sexual satisfaction

No man is a mind reader, so if you’re not communicating a solid and specific thumbs up or down on his performance, then you have only yourself to blame for not reaching the highs that true orgasmic intimacy can bring.

7. Thou shalt not take on another lover (unless your partner may do so also)

Enough said.

8 Thou shalt have a life outside of the 'we'

If we become too consumed with our partners and our relationship, we forget about ourselves and our goals to become a better individual – individual being the key word. Don’t become so involved in the 'we' that you lose a piece of yourself.

9. Thou shalt not obsess about obtaining bodily perfection

No one is perfect, even the airbrushed models we glamorize. The more we worry about our weight and stress about our imperfections, the more reserved we become sexually and the less beautiful we feel. Opening up your imperfect self to another is the first step to true intimacy and acceptance.

10. Thou shalt not try and ‘fix’ one’s partner, as they are not broken

The more we view our better halves as in need of mending, the more we project faults onto them and blame them for our unhappiness. Work from the inside out. Whether it's personal or relationship based, only you can start making changes for life-long happiness.

Dr. Teesha Morgan is a sex therapist based in Vancouver, BC.

Dr. Phil, Dr. Teesha Morgan, Laura Berman, love advice, love problems, marriage advice, marriage problems, relationship advice, relationship problems, sexual dissatisfaction, sexually satisfied