
Friday, April 29, 2011

The mind-numbing stupidity of the Royal Wedding

The mind-numbing stupidity of the Royal Wedding

But there's something deeper at play, and it's a bit frightening: a marrow-deep urge to put down the plow, wash the muck from under our fingernails and go worship our designated social superiors; to queue up on the streets or gather in our living rooms in the wee, small hours for a glimpse of a passing motorcade or a flash of a white gown or a white glove or a red uniform tunic, then breathlessly tell others, "I saw them! I saw the prince and duchess! I, a humble serf, saw them and was ennobled by their presence, by the grace of almighty God!"....Read More:-

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Community activist Charles Roach is upset that he can’t vote on Monday because he refuses to swear an oath to the Queen

Community activist Charles Roach is upset that he can’t vote on Monday because he refuses to swear an oath to the Queen.

TORONTO - Long-time community activist Charles Roach has investments, a successful law firm that employs 14 people and pays thousands of dollars in taxes, but he still can't vote Monday.


Sari and Samosa Syndrome ..Uzma Shakir

Sari and Samosa Syndrome

Two years ago, when I sat at a table at a social justice conference with a bunch of high school teachers this is exactly what I witnessed. In attempt to deal with their frustrations with racism in the classroom at their school and a desire to recognize the diversity in the school’s population they set out to plan a Sari-and-Samosa event. I’m sure it was very successful too. So-and-so was a dancer, so-and-so could bring food — it’s so delicious, you know! — but the event was planned to be entertainment not issue focused. .....
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Uzma Shakir Quotes

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Canada’s Health Care: An Alternate Universe | Common Dreams

Canada’s Health Care: An Alternate Universe Common Dreams

But Canada’s medical outcomes are excellent; urgent needs get urgent care; and Canadians live two years longer on average than we do. Problems like medical bankruptcy are virtually unknown. The overwhelming majority of Canadians, when polled, say they’d prefer their system over ours any day.....

"I Am" , two movies Hollywood / Bollywood

Interesting two movies this month with the same name "I Am"



Friday, April 15, 2011

World's oldest man dies in Montana

World's oldest man dies in Montana

SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) - A 114-year-old retired railroad worker reputed to be the world's oldest living man died of natural causes on Thursday in the farming community of Great Falls, Montana.

Walter Breuning, who had lived in a local nursing home since 1980, was declared oldest man on July 18, 2009, by the Guinness Book of World Records...

He retired from the railroad at age 66. He attributed his longevity to restricting daily meals to breakfast and lunch and to downing an aspirin a day....

"Walter taught me that all things in moderation will help lead to a long life; that hard work and a modest living are enough for a happy life and most importantly that giving back to others is good for the soul," Schweitzer said.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Eight Years ago - The invasion of Iraq

Eight Years  ago my son Naasir was 12 yrs old and he started to memorize the Holy Quran two months after the invasion of Iraq started. He is now a Hafiz-ul-Quran and the invasion of Iraq is still happening. Iraq has been disentigrated and the civilian death toll is now 100,000. The world cares so much about the 4000 American soldiers but no one cares about the Iraqi civilian death toll . There is no end in sight for the end of this war. The trillions spent on the invasion of Iraq could have eliminated poverty for the entire world.

We protested at the Anti War Protest in Toronto in 2003 . I was very optimistic that with enough protests that this war would not have happened. I was so wrong with my optimism!!.

Naasir (2003)...Scarborough Bluffs

My son was born in 1990 one month after the first U S war with Iraq. His name means helper in Arabic. InshaAllah one day he will be able to help some of the suffering in this world.

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