
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Quotes from Reviving the Islamic Spirit ( #RIS2013) - Toronto

"Peace, justice and dignity are essential notions that need to be lived and celebrated"...Dr Tariq Ramadan

"This whole world is one big womb and eventually we will exit it and be birthed into the hereafter."..Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

"Depression is a spiritual disease & there are many prayers that can cure it ".....Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

"Intelligent people surround themselves with people who challenge them, not yes people" -Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

"Don't share sinful, indecent, or scandalous matters through social media. Spread good, virtue, and benefit".. Habib Ali al-Jifri

"Jellyfish are mindless, spineless and; all they do is consume. This is the manifestation of our state"..Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

"We don't need national unity, we need tolerance for pluralism where people can disagree safely"...Sr. Dalia Mogahed

""In the face of injustice, silence is a political statement."...Dr Tariq Ramadan

"The South Africans will never be free until the Palestinians are free. - Nelson Mandela"..Imam Zaid Shakir

"Thomas Jefferson "Muslims are not enemies as they are creatures of God" - Denise Spellberg

"Everything physical in this world will perish, but the spiritual endures." - Imam Zaid Shakir at #RIS2013 Knowledge Retreat

"Only the Lord can judge the intentions of people, to do so is trespassing against Allah's (swt) territory." Habib Ali al-Jifri

"We remember Allah swt at our level, but He remembers us at a level of His magnificence that our minds can't encompass." Habib Ali al-Jifri

"Nothing you seek through your Lord will be difficult and nothing you seek through yourself will be easy." Imam Zaid Shakir

"Prophet's (saw) last words to his ummah were about upholding Salah. Salah purifies the inner eye" Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui

"I used to think that the Muslim world had a spiritual problem. The crisis of the Muslim world is a crisis of knowledge, a crisis of the intellect."- Shaykh Hamza Yusuf #RIS2013 Knowledge Retreat

"A sinner in repentance to Allah (swt) is one of the nearest servants to Allah (swt)."- Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui #RIS2013

Don't be disappointed by this world (dunya). Its not suppose to be easy. Allah (swt) said "We will test you" Imam Zaid Shakir at #RIS2013 Knowledge Retreat

"A sinner in repentance to Allah (swt) is one of the nearest servants to Allah (swt)."- Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui #RIS2013

"Greatest pleasure for one is from the eyes and the ultimate pleasure is upon seeing the Divine."Shaykh Hamza Yusuf at #RIS2013 Knowledge Retreat

"Patience is emotional, not intellectual. It is to withstand the bitterness & pain of adversity." Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui at #RIS2013 Convention

"Having a proper response to hardship is dependent on having a positive opinion of Allah (swt)".Yasmin Mogahed at #RIS2013

"Islam's genius is to prevent extremism in activism and spirituality" Dr Seyyed Hossein Nasr at #RIS2013

"Love your enemies, bless those who curse you and be good to those who mistreat you." Habib Ali al-Jifri

"Have refuge with Allah (swt), paradise in your heart and the winds of adversity will not effect you." Yasmin Mogahed at #RIS2013

"Obstacles strengthen your faith and help you to obtain wisdom and skills." Professor Tariq Ramadan at #RIS2013 Convention.

"There is no sacred text that speaks about nature as much as the Quran." Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr at #RIS2013 Convention

"Muslims are a vital organ in the body of society and not a benign cancer." Dalia Mogahed #RIS2013
"If we are distanced from the source, then we cannot drink from it. To get out of darkness, Allah says Help yourselves with patience." Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui at #RIS2013
"When we don't forgive negative emotions, we experience darkness & constriction in our hearts." Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui #RIS2013
"Pain & concern you feel for others like seeing a child freezing in the snow is an act of worship" Habib Ali al-Jifri "In Islam our definition of brother should never mean other." Ambassador Shabazz at #RIS2013 Convention
"Don't victimize yourself & tell people they should know about Islam. Muslims need to know the people." Professor Tariq Ramadan at #RIS2013
"Ethical role of North American people is to say we stand for justice, we stand for dignity" Professor Tariq Ramadan (official) #RIS2013
"If anyone who says there's no environmental crisis in order to get elected is committing a sin." Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr"
"Humanity that tried to live in the idea of an absent existence of God is now facing the consequences." ~ Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Our heart is the same as our center. Once we lose our own center it is impossible to avoid extremism. ~ Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Happiness does not exist by excess but by harmony and balance. ― Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr #RIS2013
"Islam's genius is to prevent extremism in activism and spirituality" Seyyed Hossein Nasr at #RIS2013 Convention
Only way to overcome environmental crisis is the revival of the sacred sciences - Dr. Syed Hossein Nasr #RIS2013

Friday, December 6, 2013

Nelson Mandela's quotes not in the media

We wanted to share some Nelson Mandela quotes which we don't expect to read in the corporate media's obituaries: . Source :
  1. "A critical, independent and investigative press is the lifeblood of any democracy. The press must be free from state interference. It must have the economic strength to stand up to the blandishments of government officials. It must have sufficient independence from vested interests to be bold and inquiring without fear or favor. It must enjoy the protection of the constitution, so that it can protect our rights as citizens."
  2. "If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don't care for human beings."
  3. "The current world financial crisis also starkly reminds us that many of the concepts that guided our sense of how the world and its affairs are best ordered, have suddenly been shown to be wanting.”
  4. "Gandhi rejects the Adam Smith notion of human nature as motivated by self-interest and brute needs and returns us to our spiritual dimension with its impulses for nonviolence, justice and equality. He exposes the fallacy of the claim that everyone can be rich and successful provided they work hard. He points to the millions who work themselves to the bone and still remain hungry."
  5. "There is no doubt that the United States now feels that they are the only superpower in the world and they can do what they like."
  6. “It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.”
  7. “Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.”
  8. “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”
  9. “No single person can liberate a country. You can only liberate a country if you act as a collective.”
  10. "If the United States of America or Britain is having elections, they don't ask for observers from Africa or from Asia. But when we have elections, they want observers."
  11. “When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.”
  12. On Gandhi: "From his understanding of wealth and poverty came his understanding of labor and capital, which led him to the solution of trusteeship based on the belief that there is no private ownership of capital; it is given in trust for redistribution and equalization. Similarly, while recognizing differential aptitudes and talents, he holds that these are gifts from God to be used for the collective good."

Friday, November 22, 2013

Isaal e Sawab

Modest Muslim Wedding

Based on the hadith narrated by Anas about the Prophet’s marriage to Safiya:
“Then, when we were on the road, Umm Sulaim prepared her (Safiya) for him (the Prophet) and brought her to him at night, and so the Prophet awoke the next morning a new bridegroom. Then he said: “Whoever has something, let him bring it.” (In another version, he said “Whoever has an excess of provisions, let him bring it.”) Anas continues: “And so the leather eating mats were spread out and one man would bring dried milk, another dates and another clarified butter and so they made Hais (hais is a mixture of the above three things). The people then ate of this hais and drank from pools of rainwater which were nearby, and that was the wedding feast of the Prophet.” [Bukhāri, Muslim and others].”

No extensive planning, no frills, no fuss. For after all:
The marriage, which produces the most blessings, is that which involves least burden.” (Tirmidhi)”

Let the rich man spend according to his means, and the man whose resources are restricted, let him spend according to what Allāh has given him. Allāh puts no burden on any person beyond what He has given him” [Al-alā65:7].

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Quebec calls the Hijab 'ostentatious', Ontario welcomes it

 "Ostentatious" - pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others: an ostentatious dresser.

5 things Quebec's values charter would do, and 5 it wouldn't

  1. Bar public sector employees — including everyone from civil servants to teachers, provincial court judges, daycare workers, police, health-care personnel, municipal employees and university staff — from wearing a hijab, turban, kippa, large visible crucifix or other "ostentatious" religious symbols while on the job.
  2. Allow five-year opt-outs from the ban for certain organizations, but not daycare workers or elementary school teachers.
  3. Require that those receiving or providing government services uncover their faces.
  4. Exempt elected members of the Quebec legislature from the regulations.
  5. Amend Quebec's human rights legislation, the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, to specify limits on when someone can stake a claim for religious accommodation. 


  1. Remove religious symbols and elements considered "emblematic of Quebec's cultural heritage." That includes: the crucifixes in the Quebec legislature and atop Mount Royal in Montreal, the thousands of religiously based geographic names (e.g. Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!) and the names of schools and hospitals.
  2. Ban public sector employees from wearing small religious symbols like a ring with a Star of David, earrings with the Muslim crescent or a necklace with a small crucifix.
  3. Eliminate subsidies to religious private schools. The Quebec government currently funds about 60 per cent of the budgets of most of the province's private schools, including parochial ones.
  4. Ban opening prayers at municipal council meetings, which was recommended by the 2008 Bouchard-Taylor Commission report into cultural accommodation. The Quebec Court of Appeal ruled in May that such prayers do not necessarily violate Quebec's current human rights legislation.
  5. Eliminate property tax exemptions for churches, mosques, synagogues and other religious buildings.
Ad aims to lure Quebec doctors to Ontario, targeting values

    Shoes and handbags are not 'must haves'

    Shoes and handbags are not 'must haves'

    “Life punishes those who have things in abundance by making them worry about petty things like: what to wear, or, which car to drive.” ―
     Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    How to Be Curious…

    How to Be Curious…

    Cultivate a habit of asking good questions.

    Understand that we can experience miracles if we're inquisitive.

    Realize that we know very little and there's discovery and adventure around every corner.

    Inquire into new ideas, people, situations, places.

    Open our minds to others' points of view.

    Unleash our inner child, who is naturally inquisitive.

    Suspend judging and evaluating—there's always time for that later.

    Saturday, September 7, 2013

    People lining up for hours to see their idols at #TIFF Toronto, oblivious about the situation in #Syria

    In 2003, we went on protest after protest with our 12 yr old son trying to prevent the invasion on Iraq. Nothing could have stopped that invasion. So, I think we just have to carry on watching Hollywood and Bollywood. Go wild about the actors at TIFF. Continue smoking pot like the girl next to me walking on King Street!!

    People lining up at TIFF

    12 Yr old in Toronto in 2003, protesting against the invasion of Iraq

    Thursday, September 5, 2013

    Moving with Technology

    Typewriter (1983), manual not electric

    The  Sinclair (1984). Did some basic programming on it. Backup on a cassette tape.

    Amstrad PCW8512 / 8256 Personal Computer word processor. Immigrated with this PC from the UK to Canada in 1987

    Next Computer ( 40 MB hard drive with 8 inches floppy drives)

    Cell phones



    Tuesday, September 3, 2013

    Photos to Remember

    Why are kids sent to fight wars?

    Traditional Muslims

    Traditional Muslims

    From the "Heart of Islam", by Seyyed Hossein Nasr

    "To understand the heart of Islam it is, therefore , essential to understand the significance of the Prophet from the point of view of traditional Muslims - not  that of either Muslim modernists who neglect his spiritual dimension or the so-called puritan reformers who for other reasons belittle his significance....."

    Thursday, August 15, 2013

    I agree totally with Rosie DiManno on how the police handled this so terribly wrong. I feel for the parents so much. We have to understand why it escalated to that extent

    Rosie DiManno seeks justice and wrote about the things she is sick to death for....
    1. Pardon my cynicism, but I am sick to death of it.
    2. I am sickened by the content of civilian-shot videos which captured that episode in and around the 505 streetcar. Notice that officers on the scene never established a perimeter — cars continuing to drive by, curious pedestrians approaching closely.
    3. I am sickened that a situation so obviously limited in threat, so prime for sensible management and a peaceful outcome, erupted in lethal gunfire by police.
    4. I am sickened that, rather than de-escalate the situation, rather than wait for the SWAT team or a cop expert in negotiating stand-offs, those present — one present — went feverishly ballistic.
    5. I am sickened that a teenager with a small knife, who’d done nothing more hostile than shout profanities, was felled by a hail of bullets.
    6. I am sickened that a suspect already shot and dying was then Tasered.
    7. I am sickened by the sight of the officer who’d fired the volley of bullets being pulled back by other cops, as if he needed to be restrained 

    I cannot understand why
    • Why the Health professionals , Mental Health Court and the different level of government cannot help teenagers with Mental Illness/ Mild Disability or Defiant Behaviour. 
    • Why are they bounce around and no one seem to take the responsibility
    • Why are the hospitals keep sending them away with some medication, or keep saying it is not a mental illness. If it is not a mental illness, then help the parents to understand. Don't let it escalate to another Sammy Yatim
    I posted these comments to this article,  but the comments are now removed.

    I understand this
    Please do not criticize this couple. Our family is having the exact problem with my 18 year old nephew, who was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism when he was 16. Presently his mom was told to live elsewhere by the court because he was violent towards her. He only started medication recently after the anger and violence became worse. Even with medication, he is still angry and upset most of the time. We contacted our MP and MPP, but they could not provide any immediate help. This family is also seeking help desperately because they cannot cope anymore. They cannot keep calling the police and having him arrested all the time. That is not the solution. He needs to be in a facility where there are professionals that know how to deal with autism. His parents cannot provide that help for him. 

    Anyone who can help us, please contact me...Thank You
    Mar 30, 2012 3:40 PM
    Agree (13)
    Disagree (1)

    Help for Parents
    This is a continuation from my previous post. It would be so helpful if someone can please advise the parents with violent autistic teens where to get help. Over the last 3 years, my nephew was taken to the hospital 4 times by the police. The first time he was kept there for 4 weeks. The second, third and fourth time he was kept for 1 week and then only for a few days. The fourth time his parents pleaded with the hospital that they cannot have him at home. The hospital sent him to a group home which was voluntarily. During the night, he left the home and tried to get a taxi to go home. The home called the police to find him. The police returned him and the next day his parents were told they have to take him home. He gets extremely demanding , then aggressive and violent . He gets so upset over small things, for example, why is his dad walking in the hallway at the same time as him. He punched walls and threw chairs at his parents. Sometimes his violence was so much, his mom would lock herself up in a closet and secretly call family and relatives for help. 

    Just for the peace his parents have to constantly give in to him. He is in alternative non-credit courses in schools but seldom attend classes. Since, he was 16 until recently he refused all help, including seeing his psychiatrist or any form of counseling or medication. He could not be forced to see his psychiatrist , or meet a counselor or a case worker because that is the law. He has to willingly agree to all of these help. His parents pleaded for help and all they were told is to 'call 911'. They didn't want to see their son taken away in hand cuffs to a police cell, because they knew that was not the place for him. 

    Finally, about one month ago. He was hitting his mom one morning about 6 am after he woke her up demanding food. She didn't make the food good enough for him and he started to punch and hit her. His dad decided to called the police with our encouragement, and he was arrested. It was an extremely difficult thing for a parent to do. He stayed in a cell for one night. The next morning he was granted bail and allowed to return home on condition that his mom lives elsewhere. She has not been home since then. At the bail hearing, his parents cried and begged for him not to be sent home again. Since then he has agreed to see his psychiatrist and has attended one behaviour management course so far. He is still demanding and violent at home. Now there is only one parent left to cope with him. His next court date is with the mental health court in 2 weeks. We are not sure what the court will decide at that time. In the mean time, his home is in complete chaos and the only solution is to have him arrested again and let him stay in a police cell until the next court date.
    Apr 1, 2012 12:33 AM
    Agree (1)
    Disagree (0) 

    Since the comments were posted the situation has completely downhill. Still diagnosed with Mild Autism, Mild Disability, but no Mental Illness. Still no help for the individual.

    He keeps attending Mental Health court, being moved from group home to group home. Hospitals are still saying it is not Mental Illness. Then what is causing this behaviour? Whatever it is, why helped cannot be many questions, no answers and no solution. Every time someone is killed like Sammy Yatim, I freeze up thinking this could be our relative next...please help


    Wednesday, August 7, 2013

    When people gather and remember Allah, the angels surround them and blessings encompass them. Peace descends on them and Allah mentions them to those near Him....-The Prophet Muhammad(Salallahu Alaiyhi Wasalam), as reported by Abu Hurairah #dhikr

    When people gather and remember Allah, the angels surround them and blessings encompass them. Peace descends on them and Allah mentions them to those near Him....-The Prophet Muhammad(Salallahu Alaiyhi Wasalam), as reported by Abu Hurairah

    Sunday, August 4, 2013

    Wearing hijab helps body confidence

    Spend from what Allah has give you..Ibn'Arabi

    Spend from what Allah has given you. Do not fear poverty. Allah will give you what he has promised, whether you or everyone asks for it or does not ask for it. No one who has been generous has ever perished in destitution..Ibn'Arabi

    Sunday, July 28, 2013

    Muslims on July 4th at Washington DC Metro Station.

    Muslims on July 4th at Washington DC Metro Station.

    It was their Independence Day in 2009. There were about 200 people waiting to buy tickets at the Metro Station. Everyone was heading to downtown Washington DC for the celebrations. The purchasing of tickets was all done through self serving machines. We finally reached the top of the line to purchase our tickets for the conference. The instructions didn’t seem very straight forward. Or, maybe we were a little overwhelmed using a machine with a credit card to buy Metro tickets. I tried to follow the instructions but couldn’t understand.

    I approached the gentleman in the booth for assistance. I had a Hijab on and they were dressed in jackets for the conference. I had a worried look as I approached him because I needed help urgently, since it was already 8:15 am and the lecture by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Imam Zaid will be starting at 9 am.

    The gentleman in the booth smiled and said, “Don’t look so worried; what can I do for you?” I said, “I need help with the ticket machine”. He came over calmly and walked us through slowly with the steps. I started to think back if the same customer service would have been available on the TTC in Toronto. I don’t think in my 22 years in Toronto that I have seen this kind of service on the TTC. We purchased our tickets by credit card and got the receipts. We were happy and were about to step unto the escalator to the train.

    “Now that I’ve taught you something, you teach me something“, he asked. We all looked puzzled but I said, “sure”. “I heard that Quran does not allow interest, but you just used a credit card to pay for your tickets?”, he questioned. “Islam does forbid interest, but we always pay our entire bill out by the due date”, we explained to him. We have not paid interest on a credit card for more than 20 years now. In fact the credit card company pays us back for using their card. Having a credit card is really nice for the convenience, but it does encourage some unnecessary spending sometimes. We had a few minutes discussion on the harm of interest and what it actually did to the economy recently.

    We found out that this really nice American gentleman was Christian and believed in Christ the Savior. I mentioned to him that I am sure there are verses in the Bible that are against interest also. He didn’t know either if they existed or not.

    “I really like the way you women dress, so modestly”, he said. “I would like my woman to dress like that too; the women look so beautiful”. My son and husband were totally engrossed in the conversation also. The station was filling up more with customers. Many needed help and he didn’t notice what was going on because he wanted to ask us more questions about our religion. We must have been talking with him for about 10 minutes and forgotten that we had a lecture to get to by 9 am. I looked around and told him that we should go now because we will be late and many people are waiting. He said, “Yes”. Then he asked whispering, “What do you think about Obama?”. “He is good, 100 times better than George Bush, and he is a Christian, then he must be God fearing”, I said. “He is no God fearing Christian, he is a politician and he lives in the White House”, he told us.

    We wanted to tell him more about Islam but we were getting late, he had his duties to attend to and we were not that comfortable talking about the topic in this public area. On the train we wanted to go back and give him our contact information, but we decided if Allah wants to guide him, it will happen. My son mentioned that we can meet him when we come back in the evening. That was not possible because we planned to stay at the conference until after 9 pm. We even talked about telling Imam Zaid about him and asked him to go and find him at the Metro station.

    May Allah help that really nice gentleman to find Islam in his life. InshaAllah, one day his woman (wife) will have a hijab on.

    Be There #bethere

    The market is usually crowded and noisy, but when one of the fishmongers focuses on a customer, its like they're the only two people in the place

    Prayer, Dua Quran 71:28

    That man is a Saint

    Ten year old boy at Union Station waiting with his parents for his grandpa. Grandpa was coming back from NYC with Grandma on the Via Rail or was it Amtrak, not sure. After a while grandma and grandma emerged from the train. As usual Grandpa is always happy and smiling. Following him was an Africa Canadian man, most likely West Indian. He shouted to us and pointing to Grandpa saying, "That man is a Saint''.
    What a beautiful memory of a young man to have of his Grandpa.

    Saturday, July 20, 2013

    Backyard- Dove /Partridge

    Backyard- Jul 20th 2013 (Ontario Canada) I don't know if this is a dove. Maybe it is a partridge. It was sitting so peacefully.

    Summer 2013 , Markham Ontario Canada

    Wednesday, June 12, 2013

    It is astonishing how people can influence others, simply by keeping their company. Don't take a companion unless their state elevates you, and that they take you closer to God. Don't have friends that complain all the time. There's nothing worse than to be around a complainer. Be around people that uplift you, that are positive, optimistic. Help people with their problems, but put yourself in environments that help you move forward. And don't be of the people out there that don't want to see others succeed.....- Ustadh Yahya Rhodus

    It is astonishing how people can influence others, simply by keeping their company. Don't take a companion unless their state elevates you, and that they take you closer to God. Don't have friends that complain all the time. There's nothing worse than to be around a complainer. Be around people that uplift you, that are positive, optimistic. Help people with their problems, but put yourself in environments that help you move forward. And don't be of the people out there that don't want to see others succeed.....- Ustadh Yahya Rhodus

    Wednesday, April 17, 2013

    When you feel a peaceful joy,that's when you are near truth ~ Rumi

    The more you make yourselves humble and ask for forgiveness, the more your true exaltedness is seen. Humility is a sign of exaltedness. The preface of a spotlessly pure heart (Iman-Islam) is patience (sabur), contentment and gratitude (shakur), having trust in God (tawakkal), and praising Him for everything that happens to us, saying, Al-hamdu lillah! Therefore, without feeling shame, ask forgiveness whenever necessary. This will be good. Allah, the Lone One who rules and sustains (Allahu taala Nayan), will protect you and me.~ M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen

    Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong. All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized man is always skeptical and tolerant, in this field as in all others. His culture is based on "I am not too sure." -H.L. Mencken, writer, editor, and critic (1880-1956)

    For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible. ~ John & Lyn St Clair Thomas

    Monday, March 25, 2013

    How To Raise Boys to be Kind Men

    What can we do to help young men respect women, recognize consent, and have healthy sexual relationships? Teach them kindness to others—and the courage to go against the crowd. by Kim Simon (Kim Simon is a mother and social worker. She blogs at Mama By the Bay and tweets at @mamabythebay )

    Do You want your sons to be “Athletic”, “Good sense of humor”, “Brave”, “Smart”, “Strong”, or do you want them to be kind?

    Because every rapist is someone’s son. We have the chance to fix that, one little boy at a time.

    Read the article...

    Thursday, March 14, 2013

    'For those concerned with social justice, Chavez’s passing is a sad milestone'

    Hugo Chavez depicted as tyrant for challenging western oil domination: McQuaig

    The Pope and the Muslim world: Siddiqui

    The Pope and the Muslim world: Siddiqui

    It was heartfelt. It was human...Dr. Sheela Basrur

    SARS: in the midst of tragedy, a bizarre coincidence

    He was a cop and the son of victim No. 8. She was a home invasion victim and the face of public health. In the midst of SARS, a chance encounter.

    It was heartfelt. It was human. And it was exactly what he needed to hear from a person in a position of authority after what his family had been through.

    “I will never forget the tenderness that this lady exhibited,” he says.

    It didn’t take away the pain, but it certainly helped ease it. And a decade later, the memory of that moment — her tiny hands in his, her warmth — continues to comfort the son of victim No. 8. ....

    Let us all put our humility on display #popefrancis

    Pope Francis’ humility on display as he stops by hotel to pick up bags after praying at shrine

    'The name Francis refers to a 13th century saint who was close to the poor and humbly defied the power of Pope Innocence III. Vatican spokespeople insisted Thursday that the pope would simply be known as Francis and not Francis I....'

    Sunday, January 27, 2013

    #Believers, let no man among you mock another man...Qur'an, Al-Hujurat, Surah 49:11

    Believers, let no man among you mock another man; the man being mocked is usually superior to the man who mocks. Let no woman among you mock another woman; the woman being mocked is usually superior to the woman who mocks. Do not slander one another, nor call each other by rude names; it is wrong that someone who has embraced the faith, should be called by a rude name. Those who do not repent, are sinners.-Qur'an, Al-Hujurat, Surah 49:11

    “I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit. ” ~Kahlil Gibran #faith

    Friday, January 4, 2013

    The words of the Qur'an have both an outer and an inner meaning,

    The words of the Qur'an have both an outer and an inner meaning, the latter overpowering. Do not regard the surface alone, for the devil never regarded Adam as mere clay. The surface meaning of the Qur'an is like a human torso, features visible, but the spirit hidden.-Rumi, Mathnawi

    Wednesday, January 2, 2013

    The life of this world is nothing but a pastime,

    Beware, the life of this world is nothing but a pastime, a momentary delight. It is but empty bragging, a pursuit of wealth and children. It is like the vegetation that flourishes after rain and is a source of delight to the farmer; but soon it turns yellow and withers away, crumbling into worthless waste. But in the life to come an eternal contentment or a grievous suffering awaits you. The life of this world is only an illusion..-Qur'an, Al-Hadid, Surah 57:20