
Thursday, August 15, 2013

I agree totally with Rosie DiManno on how the police handled this so terribly wrong. I feel for the parents so much. We have to understand why it escalated to that extent

Rosie DiManno seeks justice and wrote about the things she is sick to death for....
  1. Pardon my cynicism, but I am sick to death of it.
  2. I am sickened by the content of civilian-shot videos which captured that episode in and around the 505 streetcar. Notice that officers on the scene never established a perimeter — cars continuing to drive by, curious pedestrians approaching closely.
  3. I am sickened that a situation so obviously limited in threat, so prime for sensible management and a peaceful outcome, erupted in lethal gunfire by police.
  4. I am sickened that, rather than de-escalate the situation, rather than wait for the SWAT team or a cop expert in negotiating stand-offs, those present — one present — went feverishly ballistic.
  5. I am sickened that a teenager with a small knife, who’d done nothing more hostile than shout profanities, was felled by a hail of bullets.
  6. I am sickened that a suspect already shot and dying was then Tasered.
  7. I am sickened by the sight of the officer who’d fired the volley of bullets being pulled back by other cops, as if he needed to be restrained 

I cannot understand why
  • Why the Health professionals , Mental Health Court and the different level of government cannot help teenagers with Mental Illness/ Mild Disability or Defiant Behaviour. 
  • Why are they bounce around and no one seem to take the responsibility
  • Why are the hospitals keep sending them away with some medication, or keep saying it is not a mental illness. If it is not a mental illness, then help the parents to understand. Don't let it escalate to another Sammy Yatim
I posted these comments to this article,  but the comments are now removed.

I understand this
Please do not criticize this couple. Our family is having the exact problem with my 18 year old nephew, who was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism when he was 16. Presently his mom was told to live elsewhere by the court because he was violent towards her. He only started medication recently after the anger and violence became worse. Even with medication, he is still angry and upset most of the time. We contacted our MP and MPP, but they could not provide any immediate help. This family is also seeking help desperately because they cannot cope anymore. They cannot keep calling the police and having him arrested all the time. That is not the solution. He needs to be in a facility where there are professionals that know how to deal with autism. His parents cannot provide that help for him. 

Anyone who can help us, please contact me...Thank You
Mar 30, 2012 3:40 PM
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Help for Parents
This is a continuation from my previous post. It would be so helpful if someone can please advise the parents with violent autistic teens where to get help. Over the last 3 years, my nephew was taken to the hospital 4 times by the police. The first time he was kept there for 4 weeks. The second, third and fourth time he was kept for 1 week and then only for a few days. The fourth time his parents pleaded with the hospital that they cannot have him at home. The hospital sent him to a group home which was voluntarily. During the night, he left the home and tried to get a taxi to go home. The home called the police to find him. The police returned him and the next day his parents were told they have to take him home. He gets extremely demanding , then aggressive and violent . He gets so upset over small things, for example, why is his dad walking in the hallway at the same time as him. He punched walls and threw chairs at his parents. Sometimes his violence was so much, his mom would lock herself up in a closet and secretly call family and relatives for help. 

Just for the peace his parents have to constantly give in to him. He is in alternative non-credit courses in schools but seldom attend classes. Since, he was 16 until recently he refused all help, including seeing his psychiatrist or any form of counseling or medication. He could not be forced to see his psychiatrist , or meet a counselor or a case worker because that is the law. He has to willingly agree to all of these help. His parents pleaded for help and all they were told is to 'call 911'. They didn't want to see their son taken away in hand cuffs to a police cell, because they knew that was not the place for him. 

Finally, about one month ago. He was hitting his mom one morning about 6 am after he woke her up demanding food. She didn't make the food good enough for him and he started to punch and hit her. His dad decided to called the police with our encouragement, and he was arrested. It was an extremely difficult thing for a parent to do. He stayed in a cell for one night. The next morning he was granted bail and allowed to return home on condition that his mom lives elsewhere. She has not been home since then. At the bail hearing, his parents cried and begged for him not to be sent home again. Since then he has agreed to see his psychiatrist and has attended one behaviour management course so far. He is still demanding and violent at home. Now there is only one parent left to cope with him. His next court date is with the mental health court in 2 weeks. We are not sure what the court will decide at that time. In the mean time, his home is in complete chaos and the only solution is to have him arrested again and let him stay in a police cell until the next court date.
Apr 1, 2012 12:33 AM
Agree (1)
Disagree (0) 

Since the comments were posted the situation has completely downhill. Still diagnosed with Mild Autism, Mild Disability, but no Mental Illness. Still no help for the individual.

He keeps attending Mental Health court, being moved from group home to group home. Hospitals are still saying it is not Mental Illness. Then what is causing this behaviour? Whatever it is, why helped cannot be many questions, no answers and no solution. Every time someone is killed like Sammy Yatim, I freeze up thinking this could be our relative next...please help


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